21 ChallengesArray ( [0] => ACE [1] => ACT [2] => ADD [3] => ADE [4] => ADO [5] => AFT [6] => AGE [7] => AGO [8] => AID [9] => AIL [10] => AIM [11] => AIR [12] => ALE [13] => ALL [14] => ALP [15] => AND [16] => ANT [17] => ANY [18] => APE [19] => APT [20] => ARC [21] => ARE [22] => ARK [23] => ARM [24] => ART [25] => ASH [26] => ASK [27] => ASP [28] => ATE [29] => AUK [30] => AWE [31] => AWL [32] => AWN [33] => AXE [34] => AYE [35] => BAA [36] => BAD [37] => BAG [38] => BAH [39] => BAM [40] => BAN [41] => BAR [42] => BAT [43] => BAY [44] => BED [45] => BEE [46] => BEG [47] => BET [48] => BIB [49] => BID [50] => BIG [51] => BIN [52] => BIO [53] => BIT [54] => BIZ [55] => BOA [56] => BOB [57] => BOD [58] => BOG [59] => BOO [60] => BOP [61] => BOT [62] => BOW [63] => BOX [64] => BOY [65] => BRA [66] => BRO [67] => BUB [68] => BUD [69] => BUG [70] => BUM [71] => BUN [72] => BUR [73] => BUS [74] => BUT [75] => BUY [76] => BYE [77] => CAB [78] => CAD [79] => CAM [80] => CAN [81] => CAP [82] => CAR [83] => CAT [84] => CAW [85] => COB [86] => COD [87] => COG [88] => CON [89] => COO [90] => COP [91] => COT [92] => COW [93] => COX [94] => COY [95] => CRY [96] => CUB [97] => CUD [98] => CUE [99] => CUL [100] => CUP [101] => CUR [102] => CUT [103] => DAB [104] => DAD [105] => DAM [106] => DAN [107] => DAY [108] => DEN [109] => DEW [110] => DIB [111] => DID [112] => DIE [113] => DIG [114] => DIM [115] => DIN [116] => DIP [117] => DOC [118] => DOE [119] => DOG [120] => DOH [121] => DON [122] => DOT [123] => DRY [124] => DUB [125] => DUD [126] => DUE [127] => DUG [128] => DUN [129] => DUO [130] => DYE [131] => EAR [132] => EAT [133] => EBB [134] => EEK [135] => EEL [136] => EGG [137] => EGO [138] => EKE [139] => ELD [140] => ELF [141] => ELK [142] => ELL [143] => ELM [144] => EMU [145] => END [146] => EON [147] => ERA [148] => ERE [149] => ERG [150] => ERR [151] => EVE [152] => EWE [153] => EYE [154] => FAB [155] => FAD [156] => FAN [157] => FAR [158] => FAT [159] => FAX [160] => FAY [161] => FEE [162] => FEM [163] => FEN [164] => FEW [165] => FEZ [166] => FIB [167] => FIE [168] => FIG [169] => FIN [170] => FIR [171] => FIT [172] => FIX [173] => FLU [174] => FLY [175] => FOB [176] => FOE [177] => FOG [178] => FOR [179] => FOX [180] => FRO [181] => FRY [182] => FUN [183] => FUR [184] => GAB [185] => GAD [186] => GAG [187] => GAL [188] => GAM [189] => GAP [190] => GAR [191] => GAS [192] => GAY [193] => GEE [194] => GEL [195] => GEM [196] => GET [197] => GIB [198] => GIG [199] => GIN [200] => GIP [201] => GNU [202] => GOB [203] => GOD [204] => GOO [205] => GOT [206] => GOY [207] => GUM [208] => GUN [209] => GUT [210] => GUY [211] => GYM [212] => GYP [213] => HAD [214] => HAG [215] => HAH [216] => HAJ [217] => HAM [218] => HAP [219] => HAS [220] => HAT [221] => HAW [222] => HAY [223] => HEM [224] => HEN [225] => HER [226] => HEW [227] => HEX [228] => HEY [229] => HIC [230] => HID [231] => HIM [232] => HIP [233] => HIS [234] => HIT [235] => HOB [236] => HOD [237] => HOE [238] => HOG [239] => HOP [240] => HOT [241] => HOW [242] => HOX [243] => HOY [244] => HUB [245] => HUE [246] => HUG [247] => HUH [248] => HUM [249] => HUT [250] => ICE [251] => ICY [252] => ILK [253] => ILL [254] => IMP [255] => INK [256] => INN [257] => ION [258] => IRE [259] => IRK [260] => ITS [261] => IVY [262] => JAB [263] => JAG [264] => JAK [265] => JAM [266] => JAR [267] => JAW [268] => JAY [269] => JET [270] => JIB [271] => JIG [272] => JOB [273] => JOE [274] => JOG [275] => JOT [276] => JOY [277] => JUG [278] => JUT [279] => KAY [280] => KEA [281] => KEG [282] => KEN [283] => KEY [284] => KID [285] => KIN [286] => KIP [287] => KIR [288] => KIT [289] => KOI [290] => LAB [291] => LAC [292] => LAD [293] => LAG [294] => LAH [295] => LAM [296] => LAP [297] => LAR [298] => LAT [299] => LAW [300] => LAX [301] => LAY [302] => LEA [303] => LED [304] => LEE [305] => LEG [306] => LEI [307] => LEK [308] => LET [309] => LEX [310] => LEY [311] => LIB [312] => LID [313] => LIE [314] => LIP [315] => LIT [316] => LOB [317] => LOG [318] => LOP [319] => LOT [320] => LOW [321] => LOX [322] => LOY [323] => LUG [324] => LUM [325] => LUX [326] => LYE [327] => MAD [328] => MAN [329] => MAP [330] => MAR [331] => MAT [332] => MAW [333] => MAX [334] => MAY [335] => MEM [336] => MEN [337] => MET [338] => MEW [339] => MID [340] => MIN [341] => MIX [342] => MOA [343] => MOB [344] => MOD [345] => MOM [346] => MOO [347] => MOP [348] => MOW [349] => MUD [350] => MUG [351] => MUM [352] => NAB [353] => NAG [354] => NAH [355] => NAN [356] => NAP [357] => NAY [358] => NEO [359] => NET [360] => NEW [361] => NIB [362] => NIL [363] => NIP [364] => NIT [365] => NIX [366] => NOB [367] => NOD [368] => NOG [369] => NON [370] => NOR [371] => NOT [372] => NOW [373] => NUN [374] => NUT [375] => OAF [376] => OAK [377] => OAR [378] => OAT [379] => ODD [380] => ODE [381] => OFF [382] => OFT [383] => OHM [384] => OIL [385] => OLD [386] => OLE [387] => OLM [388] => ONE [389] => OOH [390] => OPT [391] => ORA [392] => ORB [393] => ORC [394] => ORD [395] => ORE [396] => OUR [397] => OUT [398] => OVA [399] => OWE [400] => OWL [401] => OWN [402] => PAD [403] => PAL [404] => PAM [405] => PAN [406] => PAP [407] => PAR [408] => PAS [409] => PAT [410] => PAW [411] => PAX [412] => PAY [413] => PEA [414] => PEG [415] => PEN [416] => PEP [417] => PER [418] => PET [419] => PEW [420] => PIC [421] => PIE [422] => PIG [423] => PIN [424] => PIP [425] => PIT [426] => PIX [427] => PLY [428] => POD [429] => POI [430] => POP [431] => POT [432] => POX [433] => PRO [434] => PRY [435] => PUB [436] => PUG [437] => PUN [438] => PUP [439] => PUS [440] => PUT [441] => PYX [442] => RAD [443] => RAG [444] => RAH [445] => RAJ [446] => RAM [447] => RAN [448] => RAP [449] => RAT [450] => RAW [451] => RAY [452] => RED [453] => REF [454] => REP [455] => RHO [456] => RIB [457] => RID [458] => RIG [459] => RIM [460] => RIP [461] => ROB [462] => ROD [463] => ROE [464] => ROT [465] => ROW [466] => RUB [467] => RUE [468] => RUG [469] => RUM [470] => RUN [471] => RUT [472] => RYE [473] => SAC [474] => SAD [475] => SAG [476] => SAP [477] => SAT [478] => SAW [479] => SAX [480] => SAY [481] => SEA [482] => SEC [483] => SEE [484] => SET [485] => SEW [486] => SEX [487] => SHE [488] => SHH [489] => SHY [490] => SIB [491] => SIC [492] => SIN [493] => SIP [494] => SIR [495] => SIS [496] => SIT [497] => SIX [498] => SKA [499] => SKI [500] => SKY [501] => SLY [502] => SOB [503] => SOD [504] => SOH [505] => SOL [506] => SON [507] => SOP [508] => SOT [509] => SOU [510] => SOW [511] => SOY [512] => SPA [513] => SPY [514] => STY [515] => SUB [516] => SUE [517] => SUM [518] => SUN [519] => SUP [520] => TAB [521] => TAD [522] => TAG [523] => TAJ [524] => TAM [525] => TAN [526] => TAP [527] => TAR [528] => TAT [529] => TAW [530] => TAX [531] => TEA [532] => TED [533] => TEE [534] => TEG [535] => TEN [536] => THE [537] => THO [538] => THY [539] => TIC [540] => TIE [541] => TIN [542] => TIP [543] => TIS [544] => TIT [545] => TOE [546] => TOG [547] => TOM [548] => TON [549] => TOO [550] => TOP [551] => TOR [552] => TOT [553] => TOW [554] => TOY [555] => TRY [556] => TUB [557] => TUG [558] => TUN [559] => TUT [560] => TUX [561] => TWO [562] => UFO [563] => UGH [564] => UKE [565] => UMP [566] => URN [567] => USE [568] => USA [569] => UPS [570] => VAN [571] => VAT [572] => VEE [573] => VEG [574] => VET [575] => VEX [576] => VIA [577] => VIE [578] => VIM [579] => VOW [580] => VOX [581] => WAD [582] => WAG [583] => WAN [584] => WAR [585] => WAS [586] => WAX [587] => WAY [588] => WEB [589] => WED [590] => WEE [591] => WET [592] => WHO [593] => WHY [594] => WIG [595] => WIN [596] => WIT [597] => WIZ [598] => WOE [599] => WOK [600] => WON [601] => WOO [602] => WOW [603] => WRY [604] => YAK [605] => YAM [606] => YAP [607] => YAW [608] => YAY [609] => YEA [610] => YEN [611] => YEP [612] => YES [613] => YET [614] => YEW [615] => YON [616] => YOU [617] => YUK [618] => YUM [619] => YUP [620] => ZAG [621] => ZAP [622] => ZED [623] => ZEE [624] => ZHO [625] => ZIG [626] => ZIP [627] => ZIT [628] => ZOO [629] => ZOS )
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21 Solutions[Reveal]